Nuclear Power?
Many countries in Asia are now thinking or in the process of building nuclear reactors to supply their countries with cheaper electricity. But with the threat of nuclear accidents, reactor meltdowns and terrorists threats, many would think twice if not three times before even having the thought to build such a facility.
However, I am slightly towards the pro-nuclear power side. Despite the unimaginable consequence if an accident where to occur, nuclear power can be used as an alternative energy source that we can tap in without the problem of green-house gas emissions. Moreover, nuclear power does not require such pre-requisites such as a windy places for wind power or large open spaces for solar power , and etc. All it needs is uranium and a secure facility to hold and tap into it.However there's still the problem of disposal of nuclear waste and disapproval from the international community... On a second thought... Nuclear power is indeed very dangerous, imagine a whole country being wiped out from a nuclear accident... (@(00)@)...!!!!
Also related to global warming and reduction of green house gases... Have you noticed that the range of temperatures (highest temperature n lowest temperature during the day) has increased? It seems to to be really hot when the sun's out and really cold when it rains. Moreover it has been raining lesser than it should be considering its the monsoon season... This can only mean one thing.... Global Warming is upon us!!!!! We must stop it at all costs!! (Or maybe I'm just paranoid ). OK.. I better stop before I steer too far away from the topic. ^^

Here's a picture of sponge bob just for fun! (Photoshoped by someone)