The Tenth Dimension
From the first dimension to the tenth this video explains them all. It may be very confusing but if you pay attention, you would be able to get it. It is a fasinating video indeed...

Gateway to physics and way beyond...
From the first dimension to the tenth this video explains them all. It may be very confusing but if you pay attention, you would be able to get it. It is a fasinating video indeed...
Posted by
~You Know Who~
1:25 pm
Here's some funny stuff just for fun and to brighten your day!(Has no relation to physics though...)
~> S'pore's history in less than 7mins! LOL! ( To those who went 2 the arts camp: Isn't this one of the arts house chambers?
~> Funny Japanese Prank Show.
~> Another Japanese prank, they really are very evil! LOL!
-> All above videos have been taken from
-> Note: Apologies if any of these videos have offended you in any way.
Posted by
~You Know Who~
2:03 pm
Labels: I
Just a few days ago I was helping to clear the fridge and was asked to wash the detachable glass panel used to separate the vegetable and fruits drawers from the rest of the fridge. After washing one side of the glass, I turned it over while applying a little pressure on the glass. Suddenly the glass shattered to tiny pieces as fine as grains of sand in my hands. Wonder why this happened?
Anyone with the answers please feel free to post a comment. ^_^
Posted by
~You Know Who~
4:38 pm
Global warming is upon us and I'm not paranoid or anything. There are signs. Firstly the weather which is suppose to be cool and rainy this time of year but now it seems to be raining less often than it is used to and temperatures are at least 2-3oC higher than previous years.
Secondly, water levels are rising (really fast), it is reported that water levels in Bangkok are rising drastically and even with its extensive system of canals, it is literally sinking many centimeters per year. This would mean Bangkok would be half underwater in 15 years if nothing is done! (As reported in the Straits Times).
Thirdly, despite means to cut down green house gas emissions, it is still not really effective. Many countries like USA, China and developing countries fail to reduce their green house gas emissions despite the ability of doing so and knowing of the dire consequences. For example, despite signing the Kyoto Protocol to reduce green house gas emissions, China has done little to cut down on emissions. Also related to this, Hong Kong and Beijing are losing investors and tourists due to their air pollution problem and air quality in certain areas in China has reached dangerous levels recently! Also, USA, one of the largest contributor of green house gases have not done much to reduce such emissions despite their ability to do so. They rejected invitations to join the kyoto protocol giving an excuse that their economy would suffer if they did join. In addition, many propositions for taking action on global warming has been ignored by the US government. (Whats the use of worring the economy, if your half country would eventually be underwater due to the effects of global warming??).
Hence, we must all do our part to slow or stop the effects of global warming by using alternative sources of energy like nuclear energy, solar energy or even hydrogen fuel cell power for cars. So please heed the warnings!! "Remember kids, the power is yours!" Seriously!
~ Starting from today random questions and nonsense may be posted even if their not related to physics!! ^_^
Posted by
~You Know Who~
8:02 pm
Posted by
~You Know Who~
10:37 pm
Posted by
~You Know Who~
10:25 pm
Apparently, EMP is that the fictional bomb you would see in games such as Generals, it actually exists!
Now for a Brief Intro on EMP:
When most people think of nuclear weapons, they see images of buildings being obliterated, mushroom clouds rising, and cities being decimated to the point that they are unrecognizable. What people fail to notice about the capabilities of nuclear weapons is that the blast is only the beginning. Other properties of nuclear weapons such as the deadly radiation they admit are frequently overlooked.
One form of radiation that is emitted by the nuclear device is the electromagnetic pulse or E.M.P. The electromagnetic pulse by definition is a very powerful electric field, created by a variation of the Compton effect called Compton recoil, that sweeps outward from the blast nucleus producing strong electrical currents that render most electrical components useless especially semi-conductor electrical devices. This pulse is not limited to stationary devices on the ground either helicopters, planes and other airborne electrical devices are at risk as well.
Could you imagine aeroplanes fall from the Sky and all our electrical equipment becoming nothing more than an over-sized paper weight!!
----------------------(Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb Exploding )
Posted by
~You Know Who~
5:17 pm
My very first blog finally created! (never imagined it would be used for physics though....) By the way... is it me or is everyone's format exactly the same ?? Do we all have thesame taste??
However there's still no progress on my physics project yet. >_<>
~ Blur as always~
Posted by
~You Know Who~
6:19 pm
Labels: ^_^